No. | publish date | 施設名 | 科目 | 論文 | 雑誌名等 | first author | IF(2018/2019) | |||
1 | 2008/3/11 | 東京医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Effects of azelnidipine on the autonomic functions and its influence on arterial stiffness and endothelial functions | J Cardiol. 2008 Apr;51(2):114-20. | Jiko Yamada | 2.289 | |||
2 | 2008/11/1 | 東京医科大学 | 循環器内科 | The relationships of cardiovascular disease risk factors to flow-mediated dilatation in Japanese subjects free of cardiovascular disease. | Hypertens Res. 2008 Nov;31(11):2019-25. | Hirofumi Tomiyama | 3.217 | |||
3 | 2008/12/1 | 血管不全研究会 | Flow-Mediated Vasodilation as a Diagnostic Modality for Vascular Failure | Hypertens Res. 2008 Dec;31(12):2105-13. | Teruo INOUE | 3.217 | ||||
4 | 2009/4/30 | 徳島大学 | 栄養学科 | Dietary Phosphorus Acutely Impairs Endothelial Function | JASN July 2009 vol. 20 no. 7 1504-1512 | Emi Shuto | 8.547 | |||
5 | 2009/11/17 | 東京医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Non-Invasive Vascular Function Tests: Their Pathophysiological Background and Clinical Application | Circ J 2010; 74:24-33 | Hirofumi Tomiyama | 3.025 | |||
6 | 2010/1/28 | 東京医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Relationship of Insulin Resistance to Macroand Microvasculature Reactivity in Hypertension | Am J Hypertens (2010) 23 (5): 495-500 | Masanobu Yoshida | 2.530 | |||
7 | 2010/2/15 | 日本医科大学 | 老年内科 | The Importance of Assessment of Endothelial Function According to the Time Course of Flow-mediated Dilation of the Brachial Artery | Journal
of Nippon Medical School Vol. 77 (2010) No. 1 P 59-61 |
Kentaro Watanabe | 0.615 | |||
8 | 2010/6/2 | 徳島大学 | 内分泌・代謝内科 | Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is inversely associated with sex-dependent diverse carotid atherosclerosis regardless of endothelial function | Atherosclerosis. 2010 Sep;212(1):310-5. | Sumiko Yoshidaa | 4.255 | |||
9 | 2010/6/15 | 熊本機能病院 | 循環器内科 | Nitrate tolerance as a possible cause of multidrug-resistant coronary artery spasm. | Int Heart J. 2010 May;51(3):211-3. | Yoshinobu Morikawa | 2.226 | |||
10 | 2010/6/15 | 香川井下病院 | 循環器内科 | イコサペント酸エチルの長期投与が冠動脈疾患患者の上腕動脈内皮機能に及ぼす効果について Effects of Long Time Intake Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) on Brachial Endothelial Function in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease |
J Cardiol Jpn Ed 2010; 5: 102 ? 110 | 松村 憲太郎 | - | |||
11 | 2010/9/3 | 関西医科大学 | 腎臓内科 | Decreased plasma level of vitamin C in chronic kidney disease:comparison between diabetic and non-diabetic patients | Nephrol
Dial Transplant. (2011) 26 (4): 1252-1257. |
Nobuyuki Takahashi | 4.198 | |||
12 | 2010/11/1 | 徳島大学 | 内分泌・代謝内科 | Bosentan ameliorated exercise-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension complicated with systemic sclerosis. | Internal
Medicine Vol. 49 (2010) No. 21 P 2309-2312 |
Shusuke Yagi | 0.832 | |||
13 | 2010/12/3 | 日本医科大学 | 老年内科 | Oral glucose loading attenuates endothelial function in normal individual | Eur J Clin Invest 2011; 41 (5): 465?473 | Kentaro Watanabe | 2.784 | |||
14 | 2011/1/18 | 福島県立医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Flow-mediated dilatation identifies impaired endothelial function in patients with sleep apnea syndrome | FUKUSHIMA
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Vol. 56 (2010) No. 2 P 115-120 |
Yoshihisa, Akiomi | - | |||
15 | 2011/2/4 | 獨協医科大学 | 内分泌代謝内科 | Comparative study between high-dose fluvastatin and lowdose fluvastatin and ezetimibe with regard to the effect on endothelial function in diabetic patients | Endocrine
Journal Vol. 58 (2011) No. 3 P 171-175 |
Yoshiaki Kawagoe | 1.940 | |||
16 | 2011/4/ | 名古屋大学 | 保健学科 | 冠危険因子を有する地域在住高齢者の血管内皮機能に対する温浴と運動の併用効果 | 理学療法学 38(2), 105-113, 2011-04-20 | 田中 裕子 | - | |||
17 | 2011/4/14 | 東京医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Relationships Among Hyperuricemia, Metabolic Syndrome, and Endothelial Function | Am J Hypertens. 2011 Jul;24(7):770-4 | Hirofumi Tomiyama | 2.530 | |||
18 | 2011/4/22 | 岡山大学 | 循環器内科 | Impact of Hypertriglyceridemia on Endothelial Dysfunction During Statin Ezetimibe Therapy in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease | Am J Cardiol. 2011 Aug 1;108(3):333-9. | Kei Yunoki | 4.255 | |||
19 | 2011/5/3 | 岡山大学 | 循環器内科 | Ezetimibe improves postprandial hyperlipemia and its induced endothelial dysfunction | Atherosclerosis. 2011 Aug;217(2):486-91. | Kei Yunoki | 2.843 | |||
20 | 2011/5/20 | 自由が丘横山クリニック | Flow-mediated dilation is associated with microalbuminuria independent of cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetes - interrelations with arterial thickness and stiffness. | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2011;18(9):744-52. | Hiroki Yokoyama | 3.478 | ||||
21 | 2011/6/7 | 大阪産業大学 | スポーツ健康学科 | Post-exercise ankle-brachial pressure index demonstrates altered endothelial function in the elderly. | Jpn Clin Med. 2011 Jun 7;2:21-4. | Shinji Sato | 5.688 | |||
22 | 2011/6/27 | 香川井下病院 | 循環器内科 | Journal of the Japanese Coronary Association 17(2), 84-93 | 松村 憲太郎 | - | ||||
23 | 2011/7/1 | 名古屋大学 | 保健学科 | 血流低下由来の血管収縮は血流依存性血管拡張反応の再現性に影響する | J Jpn Coll Angiol, 2011, 51: 203?208 | 奥村 比沙子 | - | |||
24 | 2011/7/7 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Rho-Associated Kinase Activity, Endothelial Function, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors | Arterioscler
Thromb Vasc Biol. 2011 Oct;31(10):2353-9. |
Junko Soga | 5.969 | |||
25 | 2011/7/18 | 九州大学 | 臨床薬理学 | Differential effects of organic nitrates on arterial diameter among healthy Japanese participants with different mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 genotypes: randomised crossover trial | BMJ Open. 2011 Jul 18;1(1):e000133. | Satoko Sakata | 2.376 | |||
26 | 2011/9/23 | 富山大学 | 第二内科 | Effect of Repeated Sauna Treatment on Exercise Tolerance and Endothelial Function in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure | Am J Cardiol. 2012 Jan 1;109(1):100-4. | Takashi Ohori | 2.843 | |||
27 | 2011/9/26 | 兵庫県立淡路病院 | 循環器内科 | Effect of 3-Month Repeated Administration of Miglitol on Vascular Endothelial Function in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus and Coronary Artery Disease | Am J Cardiol. 2012 Jan 1;109(1):42-6. | Takuo Emoto | 2.843 | |||
28 | 2011/10/26 | 徳島大学 | 内分泌・代謝内科 | Ezetimibe monotherapy ameliorates vascular function in patients with hypercholesterolemia through decreasing oxidative stress. | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2011;18(12):1080-9. | Hirotsugu Kurobe | 3.478 | |||
29 | 2011/11/1 | 関西医科大学 | 内科学第二講座 | Modified resveratrol Longevinex improves endothelial function in adults with metabolic syndrome receiving standard treatment | Nutr Res. 2011 Nov;31(11):842-7. | Keisuke Fujitakaa | 2.627 | |||
30 | 2011/11/17 | 順天堂大学 | 糖尿病・内分泌内科 | Masked Hypertension, Endothelial Dysfunction, and Arterial Stiffness in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus:A Pilot Study | Am J Hypertens. 2012 Feb;25(2):165-70. | Kageumi Takeno | 2.530 | |||
31 | 2011/12/6 | 大阪市立大学 | 第2内科 | Association of endothelial and vascular smooth muscle dysfunction with cardiovascular risk factors, vascular complications, and subclinical carotid atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetic patients | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2012;19(3):276-84. | Naoya Kawano | 3.478 | |||
32 | 2011/12/14 | 兵庫県立淡路病院 | 循環器内科 | Possible association between non-invasive parameter of flow-mediated dilatation in brachial artery and whole coronary plaque vulnerability in patients with coronary artery disease | Int J Cardiol. 2013 Jul 1;166(3):613-20. | Takahiro Sawada | 3.471 | |||
33 | 2011/12/28 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Mineralocorticoid receptor blocker eplerenone improves endothelial function and inhibits Rho-associated kinase activity in patients with hypertension. | Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2012 Feb;91(2):289-97 | N Fujimura | 6.336 | |||
34 | 2012/1/13 | 富山大学 | 第二内科 | Repeated sauna therapy improves myocardial perfusion in patients with chronically occluded coronary artery-related ischemia | Int J Cardiol. 2013 Jul 15;167(1):237-43. | Mitsuo Sobajima | 3.471 | |||
35 | 2012/2/9 | 自治医科大学 | 循環器内科 | The time course of flow-mediated vasodilation and endothelial dysfunction in patients with a cardiovascular risk factor | J Am Soc Hypertens. 2012 Mar-Apr;6(2):109-16. | Tomoyuki Kabutoya | 2.268 | |||
36 | 2012/4/3 | 福岡大学 | 循環器内科 | Clinical significance of flow-mediated dilation, brachial intima-media thickness and pulse wave velocity in patients with and without coronary artery disease. | Circ J. 2012;76(6):1469-75. | Rie Koyoshi | 3.025 | |||
37 | 2012/4/17 | 旭川医科大学 | 眼科 | Association Between Diabetic Retinopathy and Flow-Mediated Vasodilation in Type 2 DM | Curr Eye Res. 2012 May;37(5):446-51. | Kenji Sogawa | 1.672 | |||
38 | 2012/5/15 | 静岡県立大学 | 臨床栄養学 | Seasonal variation of endothelium-dependent flow-mediated vasodilation measured in the same subjects. | Am J Cardiovasc Dis. 2012;2(2):111-5. | Masako Iwata | 1.690 | |||
39 | 2012/5/18 | 自治医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Aggressive
Blood Pressure?Lowering Therapy Guided by Home Blood Pressure Monitoring
Improves Target Organ Damage in Hypertensive Patients With Type 2 Diabetes/Prediabetes |
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2012 Jul;14(7):422-8. | Kazuo Eguchi | 2.444 | |||
40 | 2012/5/28 | 東北大学 | 循環器内科 | Ezetimibe improves endothelial function and inhibits Rho-kinase activity associated with inhibition of cholesterol absorption in humans. | Circ J. 2012;76(8):2023-30. | Kotaro Nochioka | 3.025 | |||
41 | 2012/6/27 | 東京医科大学 | 循環器内科 | A multicenter study design to assess the clinical usefulness of semi-automatic measurement of flow-mediated vasodilatation of the brachial artery. | Int Heart J. 2012;53(3):170-5 | Hirofumi Tomiyama | 2.226 | |||
42 | 2012/7/6 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Hyperbilirubinemia, Augmentation of Endothelial Function, and Decrease in Oxidative Stress in Gilbert Syndrome | Circulation. 2012 Jul 31;126(5):598-603. | Tatsuya Maruhashi | 23.054 | |||
43 | 2012/7/12 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Intima-Media Thickness of Brachial Artery, Vascular Function, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors | Arterioscler
Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012 Sep;32(9):2295-303. |
Yumiko Iwamoto | 6.618 | |||
44 | 2012/8 | 日本医科大学 | 老年内科 | Sitagliptin improves vascular endothelial function in Japanese type 2 diabetes patients without cardiovascular disease | Journal of Diabetes Mellitus 2 (2012) 338-345 | Kazunari Suzuki | 0.150 | |||
45 | 2012/8/14 | 日本医科大学 | 老年内科 | The effects of postprandial glucose and insulin levels on postprandial endothelial function in subjects with normal glucose tolerance | Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2012 Aug 14;11:98. | Kazunari Suzuki | 5.948 | |||
46 | 2012/10/ | 新潟薬科大学 | 応用生命科学部 | ラジウム温泉浴が健常成人の血管内皮機能,生理学的検査値および自覚的体感に及ぼす影響 | 新潟医学会雑誌 126(4), 217-226, 2012-04 | 平山 匡男 | - | |||
47 | 2012/10/15 | 筑波大学 | 人間総合科学研究科 | Curcumin ingestion and exercise training improve vascular endothelial function in postmenopausal women | Nutr Res. 2012 Oct;32(10):795-9. | Nobuhiko Akazawa | 2.627 | |||
48 | 2012/10/30 | 日本医科大学 | 循環器内科 | The Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor Sitagliptin Improves Vascular Endothelial Function in Type 2 Diabetes | J Korean Med Sci. 2012 Nov;27(11):1364-1370. | Yoshiaki Kubota | 1.716 | |||
49 | 2012/11/20 | 旭川医科大学 | 眼科 | Impaired Systemic Vascular Endothelial Function in Patients with Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion | Curr Eye Res. 2013 Jan;38(1):114-8. | Ichiro Tanano | 1.672 | |||
50 | 2012/12/11 | 和歌山県立医科大学 | 臨床検査医学科 | Combined examination of glyceryl trinitrate-mediated vascular dilation with flow-mediated vascular dilation is essential for assessment of vascular function in type 2 diabetes. | Journal
of Diabetes Investigation 2013 May 6;4(3):304-9 |
Machi Furuta | 3.902 | |||
51 | 2012/12/14 | 東京大学 | 循環器内科 | Simultaneous Heart Rate Variability Monitoring Enhances the Predictive Value of Flow-Mediated Dilation in Ischemic Heart Disease | Circ J. 2013;77(4):1018-25. | Shogo Watanabe | 3.025 | |||
52 | 2012/12/14 | 市立奈良病院 | 循環器内科 | Aerobic interval exercise training in the afternoon reduces attacks of coronary spastic angina in conjunction with improvement in endothelial function, oxidative stress, and inflammation. | Coron Artery Dis. 2013 May;24(3):177-82. | Yoshinobu Morikawa | 1.554 | |||
53 | 2012/12/18 | 福島県立医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Impact of adaptive servo-ventilation on cardiovascular function and prognosis in heart failure patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction and sleep-disordered breathing. | Eur J Heart Fail. 2013 May;15(5):543-50. | Akiomi Yoshihisa | 13.965 | |||
54 | 2013/1/9 | 岡山大学 | 循環器内科 | Alogliptin ameliorates postprandial lipemia and postprandial endothelial dysfunction in nondiabetic subjects: a preliminary report | Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2013 Jan 9;12:8. | Yoko Noda | 5.948 | |||
55 | 2013/2/19 | 岡山大学 | 腎臓内科 | A decreased level of serum soluble klotho is an independent biomarker associated with arterial stiffness in patients with chronic kidney disease. | PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e56695. | Masashi Kitagawa | 2.776 | |||
56 | 2013/3/21 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Nitroglycerine-Induced Vasodilation for Assessment of Vascular Function : A Comparison With Flow-Mediated Vasodilation | Arterioscler
Thromb Vasc Biol. 2013 Jun;33(6):1401-8. |
Tatsuya Maruhashi | 6.618 | |||
57 | 2013/3/27 | 東京大学 | 循環器内科 | Differences in Body Temperature Variability Between Subjects With and Without Diabetes and Predictive Value for Cardiovascular Events. | Circ J. 2013;77(7):1844-53. | Eisuke Amiya | 3.025 | |||
58 | 2013/3/30 | 東京大学 | 循環器内科 | Clinical correlation of brachial artery flow-mediated dilation in patients with systemic sclerosis | Mod Rheumatol. 2014 Jan;24(1):106-11. | Takehiro Takahashi | 1.973 | |||
59 | 2013/4/18 | 大阪市立大学 | 循環器内科 | Simultaneous assessment of endothelial function and morphology in the brachial artery using a new semiautomatic ultrasound system | Hypertens Res. 2013 Aug;36(8):691-7 | Tomokazu Iguchi | 3.217 | |||
60 | 2013/5/4 | 東京大学 | 循環器内科 | Presence of desaturated hemoglobin enhances the contribution of blood cells to flow-mediated dilation in subjects with systemic sclerosis | Int J Cardiol. 2013 Oct 3;168(3):3125-7. | Eisuke Amiya | 3.471 | |||
61 | 2013/5/10 | 兵庫県立淡路病院 | 循環器内科 | The Apolipoprotein B/A1 Ratio is Associated with Reactive Oxygen Metabolites and Endothelial Dysfunction in Statin-Treated Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2013 Jul 30;20(7):623-9. | Takuo Emoto | 3.471 | |||
62 | 2013/5/30 | 湘南鎌倉病院 | 腎免疫血管内科 | Aliskiren, a Direct Renin Inhibitor, Improves Vascular Endothelial Function in Patients on Hemodialysis Independent of Antihypertensive Effect 〜 a Pilot Study 〜 | Kidney Blood Press Res. 2013;37(2-3):190-8. | Hidekazu Moriya | 2.123 | |||
63 | 2013/5/30 | 防衛医科大学校 | 集中治療部 | Anti-sympathetic action enhances statin's pleiotropic effects: the combined effect of rosuvastatin and atenolol on endothelial function. | Int Angiol 2014;33:27-34 | Bonpei Takase | 1.279 | |||
64 | 2013/6/ | 防衛医科大学校 | 集中治療部 | 血管内皮機能指標の疾患別測定値変動に関する検討:心臓リハビリテーション効果判定に関して Day−to−day variabiIity of brachial artery flow−mediated vasodilatation in different cardiovascular risk factors or diseases |
心臓リハビリテーション(JJCR) 18(2):231−235,2013 |
高瀬凡平 | - | |||
65 | 2013/6/21 | 国際医療福祉大学塩谷病院 | 内科 呼吸器 | Does smoking cessation with varenicline worsen vascular endothelial function? | BMJ Open. 2013 Jun 21;3(6). | Akira Umeda | 2.376 | |||
66 | 2013/6/25 | 自治医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Masked Hypertension Defined by Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Is Associated With Impaired Flow-Mediated Vasodilatation in Patients With Cardiovascular Risk Factors | J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich).2013;15:630?636 | Tomoyuki Kabutoya | 2.549 | |||
67 | 2013/7/ | 防衛医科大学 | 集中治療部 | Pitavastatin subacutely improves endothelial function and reduces inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in patients with hypercholesterolaemia | Heart Asia 2013;5:204-209 | Bonpei Takase | 0.820 | |||
68 | 2013/7/12 | ブルボン(新潟薬科大学) | Acute and chronic flow-mediated dilation and blood pressure responses to daily intake of boysenberry juice: a preliminary study. | Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2013 Dec;64(8):988-92. | Akito Matsusima | 2.792 | ||||
69 | 2013/7/14 | 東京大学 | 循環器内科 | Impairment of flow-mediated dilation correlates with aortic dilation in patients with Marfan syndrome. | Heart Vessels. 2014 Jul;29(4):478-85. | Munenori Takata | 1.620 | |||
70 | 2013/7/25 | ハウス食品(広島大学) | Chronic Intake of Onion Extract Containing Quercetin Improved Postprandial Endothelial Dysfunction in Healthy Men | J Am Coll Nutr. 2013 Jun;32(3):160-4 | Hideki Nakayama | 2.080 | ||||
71 | 2013/7/30 | 純真学園大学(久留米大学) | 検査科学科 | New Methodological Approach to Improve Reproducibility of Brachial Artery Flow-Mediated Dilatation. | Echocardiography. 2014 Feb;31(2):197-202. | Masaaki Kanahara | 1.287 | |||
72 | 2013/8 | 獨協医科大学(前橋温泉クリニック | 神経内科 | 塩化物泉浴における血流依存性血管反応の検討 | 日温気物医誌第76巻4号2013年8月 | 岩波久威 | - | |||
73 | 2013/8/12 | 徳島大学 | ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部 心臓血管病態医学分野 | Effects of the brown rice diet on visceral obesity and endothelial function: the BRAVO study | Br J Nutr. 2014 Jan 28;111(2):310-20. | Michio Shimabukuro | 3.319 | |||
74 | 2013/8/31 | 社会保険高岡病院 | 内科 | 禁煙が血管内皮機能に与える影響についての検討 | 日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会誌 第23巻 第2 号 | 篠田千恵 | - | |||
75 | 2013/9 | 協和発酵バイオ株式会社 | ヘルスケア商品開発センタ | Effects of Oral L-Citrulline Supplementation on Lipoprotein Oxidation and Endothelial Dysfunction in Humans with Vasospastic Angina | Immunol Endocr Metab Agents Med Chem. 2013 Sep;13(3):214-220. | Masahiko Morita | - | |||
76 | 2013/9/5 | 自治医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Differential Effects of Aliskiren/Amlodipine Combination and High-Dose Amlodipine Monotherapy on Endothelial Function in Elderly Hypertensive Patients | Am J Hypertens. 2014 Jan;27(1):14-20. | Motoki Fukutomi | 2.530 | |||
77 | 2013/9/13 | 防衛医科大学校 | 集中治療部 | Pitavastatin subacutely improves endothelial function and reduces inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in patients with hypercholesterolaemia. | Heart Asia. 2013 Sep 13;5(1):204-9. | Takase Bonpei | 0.820 | |||
78 | 2013/9/30 | 防衛医科大学校 | 集中治療部 | Acute Effect of Whole-Body Periodic Acceleration on Brachial Flow-Mediated Vasodilatation Assessed by a Novel Semi-Automatic Vessel Chasing UNEXEF18G System | J Cardiovasc Ultrasound 2013;21(3):130-136 | Bonpei Takase | 2.043 | |||
79 | 2013/10/23 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Relationship between flow-mediated vasodilation and cardiovascular risk factors in a large community-based study. | Heart. 2013 Dec;99(24):1837-42 | Tatsuya Maruhashi | 5.082 | |||
80 | 2013/10/25 | 埼玉医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Eicosapentaenoic Acid Combined with Optimal Statin Therapy Improves Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease | Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2014 Feb;28(1):53-9 | Kentaro Toyama | 4.181 | |||
81 | 2013/11/8 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Hyperuricemia is independently associated with endothelial dysfunction in postmenopausal women but not in premenopausal women | BMJ Open. 2013 Nov 8;3(11):e003659. | Tatsuya Maruhashi | 2.376 | |||
82 | 2013/11/9 | 防衛医科大学校 | 集中治療部 | Combined Therapeutic Effect of Probucol and Cilostazol on Endothelial Function in Patients with Silent Cerebral Lacunar Infarcts and Hypercholesterolemia: A Preliminary Study | Medical Principles and Practice 2013 Nov 9:59-65 | Bonpei Takase | 1.103 | |||
83 | 2013/11/13 | 姫路循環器病センター | 循環器内科 | Comparison of Effects of α-Glucosidase Inhibitors and Glinide Drugs on Endothelial Dysfunction in Diabetic Patients With Coronary Artery Disease | Circ J. 2014;78(1):248-55. | Takahiro Sawada | 3.025 | |||
84 | 2013/11/27 | 広島大学大学院 | 工学研究科 | 血流依存性血管拡張反応検査中の動脈壁粘弾性特性の推定 | 計測自動制御学会論文集 49(11), 1029-1036, 2013 | 木原 大輔 | - | |||
85 | 2013/12/2 | 大阪市立大学 | 第二内科 | Association between glycemic control and morning blood pressure surge with vascular endothelial dysfunction in type 2 DM patients | Diabetes Care. 2014 Mar;37(3):644-50. | Koichiro Yoda | 15.270 | |||
86 | 2013/12/11 | 埼玉医科大学 | 腎臓内科 | Statin improves flow-mediated vasodilation in chronic kidney diseases. | Int J Hypertens. 2013;2013:876865. | Tsuneo Takenaka | 1.865 | |||
87 | 2013/12/17 | 順天堂大学 | 加齢制御医学講座 | Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L.) Seed Extract Decreases Serum Uric Acid Levels in Nonobese Japanese Males: A Randomized Controlled Study. | Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Vol 2013 | Hiroyuki Konno | 1.984 | |||
88 | 2013/12/26 | 防衛医科大学 | 集中治療部 | A Low Fixed-dose Combination of Olmesartan and Azelnidipine Significantly Improves Endothelial Function in Uncontrolled Hypertension by Low Dose Amlodipine | J Jpn Coron Assoc 2013; 19: 333?338 | Bonpei Takase | - | |||
89 | 2014/1/2 | 名古屋大学医学部付属病院 | 臨床検査室 | Recovery of flow-mediated vasodilatation after repetitive measurements is involved in early vascular impairment: comparison with indices of vascular tone. | PLOS ONE 2014 Jan 2;9(1) | Hatsumi Inaba | 2.776 | |||
90 | 2014/1/8 | 徳島大学 | ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部生体制御医学 | Diabetic Conditions Differentially Affect the Endothelial Function, Arterial Stiffness and Carotid Atherosclerosis. | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2014;21(5):486-500. | Mizuho kinouchi | 3.478 | |||
91 | 2014/1/10 | 大阪市立大学 | 第二内科 | Leptin is associated with vascular endothelial function in overweight patients with type 2 diabetes | Cardiovascular Diabetology 2014, 13:10 | Tomoaki Morioka | 3.217 | |||
92 | 2014/2/1 | 知の拠点(愛知県立大学) | Mathematical model of wall shear stress-dependent vasomotor response based on physiological mechanisms. | Computers in Biology and Medicine 45(2014)126?135 | Yoichi Yamazaki | 2.286 | ||||
93 | 2014/2/1 | 筑波大学 | 人間総合科学研究科 | 若年男性における血漿タウリン濃度と血管内皮機能に関する横断研究 A cross-sectional study of plasma taurine concentration and vascular endothelial function in young men |
健康支援 第16巻1号 15-22,2014 | 羅 成圭 | - | |||
94 | 2014/2/4 | 群馬県立心臓血管センター | Combination of 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy and flow-mediated dilation for the detection of patients with coronary spastic angina. | J Nucl Cardiol. 2014 Jun;21(3):643-51 | Yohsuke Honda | 4.112 | ||||
95 | 2014/2/5 | 東京大学 | 循環器内科 | Brachial artery diameter has a predictive value in the improvement of flow-mediated dilation after aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis. | Heart Vessels. 2015 Mar;30(2):218-26. | Munenori Takata | 1.620 | |||
96 | 2014/2/5 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Poor Oral Health, That Is, Decreased Frequency of Tooth Brushing, Is Associated With Endothelial Dysfunction. | Circ J. 2014;78(4):950-4 | Masato Kajikawa | 3.025 | |||
97 | 2014/3/14 | 長崎大学 | 循環器内科 | Plasma Pentraxin 3 is a More Potent Predictor of Endothelial Dysfunction than High-Sensitive C-Reactive Protein. | Int Heart J. 2014;55(2):160-4. | Tomohiko Yasunaga | 2.226 | |||
98 | 2014/3/20 | 栃木医療センター | 循環器内科 | Varenicline-assisted smoking cessation decreases oxidative stress and restores endothelial function. | Hypertens Res. 2014 Jul;37(7):655-8. | Toru Kato | 3.217 | |||
99 | 2014/3/20 | 琉球大学 | 第三内科 | Interrelationship between brachial artery function and renal small artery sclerosis in chronic kidney disease. | Hypertension Research 2014 Sep;37(9):863-9 | Tsuyoshi Miyagi | 3.217 | |||
100 | 2014/4/3 | 東京医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Pathophysiological Contribution of Vascular Function to Baroreflex Regulation in Hypertension | Circ J. 2014;78(6):1414-9. | Hirofumi Tomiyama | 3.025 | |||
101 | 2014/4/5 | 岡山大学 | 循環器内科 | Bezafibrate
improves postprandial hypertriglyceridemia and associated endothelial
dysfunction in patients with metabolic syndrome: a randomized crossover study |
Cardiovascular Diabetology 2014, 13:71 | Yuko Ohno | 5.948 | |||
102 | 2014/4/26 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Relationship between nitroglycerine-induced vasodilation and clinical severity of peripheral artery disease | Atherosclerosis 2014 Apr 26;235(1):65-70 | Tatsuya Maruhashi | 4.255 | |||
103 | 2014/5/10 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Borderline Ankle-Brachial Index Value of 0.91?0.99 Is Associated With Endothelial Dysfunction | Circ J. 2014;78(7):1740-5. | Masato Kajikawa | 3.025 | |||
104 | 2014/5/14 | 筑波大学 | 人間総合科学研究科 | Acute effect of high-intensity eccentric exercise on vascular endothelial function in young men. | The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2014 May 14 | Youngju Choi | 3..017 | |||
105 | 2014/5/30 | 岡山大学 | 循環器内科 | Pioglitazone Prevents the Endothelial Dysfunction Induced by Ischemia and Reperfusion in Healthy Subjects. | J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2014 Oct;64(4):326-31. | Yuka Sakatani | 2.371 | |||
106 | 2014/6/13 | 久留米大学医療センター | 循環器内科 | Systolic blood pressure during recovery from exercise is related to flow-mediated dilatation in patients with coronary artery disease. | Heart Asia. 2014 Jun 13;6(1):83-6. | Yasuhiro Nishiyama | 0.820 | |||
107 | 2014/6/19 | 東京医科大学(FMD-J) | 循環器内科 | Autonomic nervous activation triggered during induction of reactive hyperemia exerts a greater influence on the measured reactive hyperemia index by peripheral arterial tonometry than on flow-mediated vasodilatation of the brachial artery in patients with | Hypertens Res. 2014 Oct;37(10):914-8. | Hirofumi Tomiyama | 3.217 | |||
108 | 2014/6/28 | ハウス食品(広島大学) | A single consumption of curry improved postprandial endothelial function in healthy male subjects: a randomized, controlled crossover trial. | Nutrition Journal 2014 Jun 28;13(1):67 | Hideki Nakayama | 3.592 | ||||
109 | 2014/7/7 | 東京大学 | 循環器内科 | Effect of Add-on Aliskiren to Type 1 Angiotensin Receptor Blocker Therapy on Endothelial Function and Autonomic Nervous System in Hypertensive Patients With Ischemic Heart Disease. | J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2014 Aug;16(8):591-8. | Atsuko Ozeki | 2.444 | |||
110 | 2014/7/14 | 島根大学 | 第一内科 | Close relationship between serum hyaluronan levels and vascular function in patients with type 2 diabetes | Biomarkers. 2014 Sep;19(6):493-7. | Miwa Morita | 1.730 | |||
111 | 2014/7/30 | 岡山大学 | 循環器内科 | DPP-4 inhibitor and alpha-glucosidase inhibitor equally improve endothelial function in patients with type 2 diabetes: EDGE study. | Cardiovascular Diabetology 2014 Jul 30;13(1):110 | Kazufumi Nakamura | 5.948 | |||
112 | 2014/8/11 | 栃木医療センター | 循環器内科 | Therapeutic potential of α-glucosidase inhibitors to prevent postprandial endothelial dysfunction | Int Heart J. 2014;55(5):386-90. | Toru Kato | 2.226 | |||
113 | 2014/8/14 | 広州体育学院 | 運動・健康学 | Exercise training with dietary restriction enhances circulating irisin level associated with increasing endothelial progenitor cell number in obese adults: an intervention study | PeerJ. 2017 Aug 14;5:e3669. | Junhao Huang | 2.353 | |||
114 | 2014/10/ | 中国湖南省湘雅第三病院 | 健康管理センター | Correlations between brachial endothelial function and cardiovascular risk factors: a survey of 2,511 Chinese subjects. | J Thorac Dis. 2014 Oct;6(10):1441-51. | Ping-Ting Yang | 1.783 | |||
115 | 2014/10/9 | 東京大学 | 循環器内科 | Elevated C-Reactive Protein Levels and Enhanced High Frequency Vasomotion in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease during Brachial Flow-Mediated Dilation. | PLoS One. 2014 Oct 9;9(10):e110013. | Shogo Watanabe | 2.776 | |||
116 | 2014/10/17 | 原土井病院 | 循環器内科 | Consumption of water containing over 3.5 mg of dissolved hydrogen could improve vascular endothelial function. | Vasc Health Risk Manag 2014:10 591?597 | Takaaki Sakai | 2.330 | |||
117 | 2014/10/21 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Ratio of Serum Levels of AGEs to Soluble Form of RAGE Is A Predictor of Endothelial Function. | Diabetes Care. 2015 Jan;38(1):119-25. | Masato Kajikawa | 15.270 | |||
118 | 2014/10/23 | 防衛医科大学校 | 集中治療部 | Fixed-dose combination of losartan and hydrochlorothiazide significantly improves endothelial function in uncontrolled hypertension by low-dose amlodipine: A randomized study. | Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2014 Dec;14(8):685-91. | Bonpei Takase | - | |||
119 | 2014/10/24 | 徳島大学 | 循環器内科/内分泌・代謝 | Effects of Docosahexaenoic Acid on the Endothelial Function in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2015;22(5):447-54. | Shusuke Yagi | 3.478 | |||
120 | 2014/10/27 | 岡山大学 | 腎臓・糖尿病・内分泌内科 | Acute Effect of Aliskiren on Smoking-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction in Smok | J Cardiovasc Med Cardiol 1(3): 110. | Haruhito Adam Uchida | 1.427 | |||
121 | 2014/10/28 | 岡山大学 | 循環器内科 | Omega-3 fatty acids improve postprandial lipemia and associated endothelial dysfunction in healthy individuals - a randomized cross-over trial | Biomed Pharmacother. 2014 Oct;68(8):1071-7. | Toru Miyoshi | 3.743 | |||
122 | 2014/11/5 | 岡山労災病院 | 循環器内科 | Single administration of vildagliptin attenuates postprandial hypertriglyceridemia and endothelial dysfunction in normoglycemic individuals. | Exp Ther Med. 2015 Jan;9(1):84-88. | Kaoru Noguchi | 1.448 | |||
123 | 2014/12/4 | 関西医科大学 | 第二内科 | The relationships between visit-to-visit blood pressure variability and renal and endothelial function in chronic kidney disease. | Hypertens Res. 2015 Mar;38(3):193-8. | Chikara Nakano | 3.217 | |||
124 | 2015/1/10 | 自治医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Effects of Celiprolol and Bisoprolol on Blood Pressure, Vascular Stiffness, and Baroreflex Sensitivity | Am J Hypertens. 2015 Jul;28(7):858-67. | Kazuo Eguchi | 2.530 | |||
125 | 2015/1/26 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Effect of Aldosterone-Producing Adenoma on Endothelial Function and Rho-As | Hypertension. 2015 Apr;65(4):841-8. | Takeshi Matsumoto | 7.017 | |||
126 | 2015/2/10 | 花王 | Coffee bean polyphenols ameliorate postprandial endothelial dysfunction in healthy male adults. | Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2015 May;66(3):350-4. | Ryuji Ochiai | 1.451 | ||||
127 | 2015/2/12 | 広島大学 | 脳神経内科 | Endothelial dysfunction is associated with the severity of cerebral small vessel disease. | Hypertens Res. 2015 Apr;38(4):291-7. | Tomohisa Nezu | 2.792 | |||
128 | 2015/2/23 | 鳥取大学 | 循環器内科 | Depletion of Uric Acid Due to SLC22A12 (URAT1) Loss-of-Function Mutation Causes Endothelial Dysfunction in Hypouricemia | Circ J. 2015;79(5):1125-32. | Shinobu Sugihara | 3.217 | |||
129 | 2015/2/27 | 富山大学 | 第二内科 | Waon Therapy Improves Quality of Life as Well as Cardiac Function and Exercise Capacity in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure | Int Heart J. 2015;56(2):203-8. | Mitsuo Sobajima | 2.226 | |||
130 | 2015/3 | 国際医療センター | 心臓内科 | 急性冠症候群を疑う胸痛で経過観察を必要とする患者における血流依存性血管拡張測定の意義 | 埼玉医科大学雑誌 第41 巻 第 2 号別頁 | 米田 修平 | - | |||
131 | 2015/4/29 | 江戸川病院 | 糖尿病・代謝・腎臓内科 | Flow Mediated Dilatation Is Reduced with the Progressive Stages of Glomerular Filtration Rate and Albuminuria in Type 2 Diabetic Patients without Coronary Heart Disease | J Diabetes Res. 2015;2015:728127. | Hiroyuki Ito | 3.040 | |||
132 | 2015/5/26 | 九州大学別府病院 | 循環・呼吸・老年病内科 | Effects of Immersion in Artificial Carbon Dioxide on Endothelial Function Assessed with Flow-Mediated Dilation in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes | 日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 Vol. 78 (2014-2015) No. 3 p. 276-284 |
Naoki MAKINO | - | |||
133 | 2015/5/28 | ?光大学校医科大学医院 | 循環器内科 | Diurnal variation of flow-mediated dilatation in healthy humans. | Clin Hypertens. 2015 May 28;21:6. | Yong Cheol Kim | - | |||
134 | 2015/6/4 | 広島大学 | 脳神経内科 | Telomere G-tail Length is a Promising Biomarker Related toWhiteMatter Lesions and Endothelial Dysfunction in PatientsWith Cardiovascular Risk: A Cross-sectional Study | EBioMedicine. 2015 May 30;2(8):958-65. | Tomohisa Nezu | 6.680 | |||
135 | 2015/8/4 | 花王 | Coffee polyphenol consumption improves postprandial hyperglycemia associated with impaired vascular endothelial function in healthy male adults | Nutr Res. 2015 Oct;35(10):873-81. | Hiroko Jokura | 2.627 | ||||
136 | 2015/8/5 | 東京医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Reliability of measurement of endothelial function across multiple institutions and establishment of reference values in Japanese | Atherosclerosis. 2015 Aug 5;242(2):433-442 | Hirofumi Tomiyama | 4.255 | |||
137 | 2015/8/18 | 九州大学病院 | 睡眠時無呼吸センター | Cumulative Hypoxemia During Sleep Predicts Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients With Sleep-Disordered Breathing | Am J Hypertens. 2016 Apr;29(4):458-63 | Hiroyuki Sawatari | 2.530 | |||
138 | 2015/9/3 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Reduction in blood pressure improves impaired nitroglycerine-induced vasodilation in patients with essential hypertension | Hypertens Res. 2015 Dec;38(12):862-8. | Tatsuya Maruhashi | 3.217 | |||
139 | 2015/9/4 | 佐賀大学 | 先端心臓病学講座 | The relationship between neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, endothelial function, and severity in patients with obstructive sleep apnea | J Cardiol. 2016 Mar;67(3):295-302. | Jun-ichi Oyama | 2.289 | |||
140 | 2015/9/17 | 東京女子医科大学 | 循環器小児科 | High prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in children and adolescents with Williams-Beuren syndrome | BMC Pediatr. 2015 Sep 17;15(1):126. | Daiji Takeuchi | 1.983 | |||
141 | 2015/9/18 | 徳島大学 | 栄養学科 | Excessive dietary phosphorus intake impairs endothelial function in young healthy men : a time- and dose-dependent study | J Med Invest. 2015;62(3.4):167-172. | Tamae Nishi | 0.640 | |||
142 | 2015/9/23 | 岡山大学 | 循環器内科 | Prognostic significance of endothelial dysfunction in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention in the era of drug-eluting stents | BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2015 Sep 23;15(1):102. | Motoki Kubo | 1.947 | |||
143 | 2015/9/26 | 東京女子医科大学 | 脳神経内科 | Differences in Endothelial Function between Ischemic Stroke Subtypes | J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2015 Dec;24(12):2781-6. | Utako Adachi | 1.646 | |||
144 | 2015/11/9 | 徳島大学 | 循環器内科 | Correlation Between Arteriosclerosis and Periodontal Condition Assessed by Lactoferrin and α1-Antitrypsin Levels in Gingival Crevicular Fluid | Int Heart J. 2015 Dec 2;56(6):639-43. | Shuji Hayashi | 2.226 | |||
145 | 2016/1/20 | 栃木医療センター | 臨床検査科 | 食後喫煙による血管内皮機能の回復力低下 | IRYO VoL 70 No.1 (46−49)2016 | 黒木政宏 | - | |||
146 | 2016/2/13 | 徳島大学 | 内分泌・代謝内科 | Serum carboxy-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen levels are associated with carotid atherosclerosis in patients with cardiovascular risk factors. | Endocr J. 2016 Apr 25;63(4):397-404. | Takeshi Kondo | 1.940 | |||
147 | 2016/3/3 | 徳島大学 | 循環器内科 | Prognostic Implications of Non-Invasive Vascular Function Tests in High-Risk Atherosclerosis Patients | Circ J. 2016 Mar 25;80(4):1034-40. | Kenya Kusunose | 3.025 | |||
148 | 2016/3/14 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Combination of Flow-Mediated Vasodilation and Nitroglycerine-Induced Vasodilation Is More Effective for Prediction of Cardiovascular Events. | Hypertension. 2016 May;67(5):1045-52. | Masato Kajikawa | 7.017 | |||
149 | 2016/3/18 | オリーブ高松メディカルクリニック | The impact of theaflavins on systemic-and microcirculation alterations: The murine and randomized feasibility trials | Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 32 (2016) 107?114 | Akiko Saitoa | 4.490 | ||||
150 | 2016/3/29 | 大阪大学 | 公衆衛生学教室 | Heavy Alcohol Consumption is Associated with Impaired Endothelial Function. | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2016 Sep 1;23(9):1047-54. | Aoi Tanaka | 3.478 | |||
151 | 2016/3/29 | 中国人民解放??医院 | 循環器内科 | The effect of percutaneous coronary intervention on endothelial function | Journal of Geriatric Cardiology (2016) 13: E1-E8 | Ming GAO | 1.763 | |||
152 | 2016/4/1 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Relationship between serum triglyceride levels and endothelial function in a large community-based study | Atherosclerosis. 2016 Apr 1;249:70-75. | Masato Kajikawa | 4.255 | |||
153 | 2016/5/9 | 昭和大学藤が丘病院 | 循環器内科 | The Effect of Cilostazol on Endothelial Function as Assessed by Flow-Mediated Dilation in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2016 May 9. | Hiroyoshi Mori | 3.478 | |||
154 | 2016/5/9 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Vascular Function and Intima-media Thickness of a Leg Artery in Peripheral Artery Disease: A Comparison of Buerger Disease and Atherosclerotic Peripheral Artery Disease | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2016 May 9. | Akimichi Iwamoto | 3.478 | |||
155 | 2016/6/1 | 名古屋大学 | 肺高血圧先端医療学寄附 | Effects of bosentan on peripheral endothelial function in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension or chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. | Pulm Circ. 2016 Jun;6(2):168-73. | Akihiro Hirashiki | 2.283 | |||
156 | 2016/6/9 | 神戸大学附属病院 | 神経内科 | Vascular Function in Alzheimer’s Disease and Vascular Dementia | Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2016 Aug;31(5):437-42. | Hisatsugu Tachibana | 1.464 | |||
157 | 2016/6/13 | 自治医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Add-On Use of Eplerenone Is Effective for Lowering Home and Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Drug-Resistant Hypertension | J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2016 Jun 13. | Kazuo Eguchi | 2.444 | |||
158 | 2016/6/13 | 大阪市立大学 | 循環器内科 | Low-flow mediated constriction incorporated indices as indicators of cardiovascular risk in smokers. | Atherosclerosis. 2016 Jun 13;251:132-138. | Naoki Norioka | 4.255 | |||
159 | 2016/6/23 | 東京医科歯科大学 | 周産・女性診療科 | Is there a differential impact of parity on factors regulating maternal peripheral resistance? | Hypertens Res. 2016 Jun 23. | Makoto Iizuka | 3.217 | |||
160 | 2016/6/30 | 福岡大学 | 循環器内科 | Associations between parameters of flowmediated vasodilatation obtained by continuous measurement approaches and the presence of coronary artery disease and the severity of coronary atherosclerosis | Clin Exp Hypertens. 2016 Jun 30:1-8. | Yuka Hitaka | 1.522 | |||
161 | 2016/7/7 | 久留米大学 | 心臓・血管内科 | Vascular
Inflammation Evaluated by [18F]- Fluorodeoxyglucose-Positron Emission
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Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2016 Jul 7. | Akihiro Honda | 6.618 | |||
162 | 2016/7/16 | 東京大学 | 循環器内科 | Enhancement of arterial pulsation during flow?mediated dilation is impaired in the presence of ischemic heart disease | Springerplus. 2016 Jul 16;5(1):1103. | Eisuke Amiya | 1.850 | |||
163 | 2016/8/26 | 姫路循環器病センター | 循環器内科 | Effects of 6-month eicosapentaenoic acid treatment on postprandial hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, insulin secretion ability, and concomitant endothelial dysfunction among newly-diagnosed impaired glucose metabolism patients with coronary artery disease. | Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2016 Aug 26;15(1):121. | Takahiro Sawada | 3.217 | |||
164 | 2016/9/13 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Long?term effect of sitagliptin on endothelial function in type 2 diabetes: a sub?analysis of the PROLOGUE study | Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2016 Sep 13;15(1):134. | Tatsuya Maruhashi | 3.217 | |||
165 | 2016/10/3 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Circulating level of pigment epithelium-derived factor is associated with vascular function and structure: A cross-sectional study | Int J Cardiol. 2016 Oct 3;225:91-95. | Masato Kajikawa | 3.471 | |||
166 | 2016/10/19 | 東邦大学 | 糖尿病・代謝・内分泌学分 | Linagliptin improves endothelial function in patients with type 2 diabetes: A randomized study of linagliptin effectiveness on endothelial function. | J Diabetes Investig. 2016 Oct 19. | Fumika Shigiyama | 3.902 | |||
167 | 2016/10/20 | 国立循環器病研究センター | 高血圧・腎臓科 | Effective uric acid-lowering treatment for hypertensive patients with hyperuricemia | Hypertens Res. 2016 Oct 20. | Yuko Ohta | 3.217 | |||
168 | 2016/12/6 | ファンケル(国立栄養研究所) | Rice Bran Extract Reduces the Risk of Atherosclerosis in Post-Menopausal Vietnamese Women | J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 2016;62(5):295-302. | Bui Thi NHUNG | 0.674 | ||||
169 | 2016/12/21 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Endothelial function is impaired in relation to alcohol intake even in the case of light alcohol consumption in Asian men; Flow-mediated Dilation Japan (FMD-J) Study. | Int J Cardiol. 2016 Dec 21. | Nozomu Oda | 3.471 | |||
170 | 2016/12/21 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Endothelial Function Assessed by Automatic Measurement of Enclosed Zone Flow-Mediated Vasodilation Using an Oscillometric Method Is an Independent Predictor of Cardiovascular Events. | J Am Heart Assoc. 2016 Dec 21;5(12). | Haruka Morimoto | 4.660 | |||
171 | 2017/1/5 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Endothelial dysfunction and abnormal vascular structure are simultaneously present in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. | Int J Cardiol. 2017 Mar 15;231:181-187. | Shinji Kishimoto | 3.471 | |||
172 | 2017/1/10 | 佐賀大学 | 循環器内科 | Clinical Effects of Topiroxostat on Renal and Endothelial Function in A Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease and Hyperuricemic Arteriolopathy: A Case Report | Drugs R D. 2017 Jan 10. | Atsushi Tanaka | 1.410 | |||
173 | 2017/1/26 | 笠岡市立市民病院 | 循環器内科 | Acute improvement of endothelial functions after oral ingestion of isohumulones, bitter components of beer. | Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Jan 25. | Junko Tomita | 2.705 | |||
174 | 2017/2/13 | 名古屋工業大学 | 機械工学科 | A Novel Apparatus for the Multifaceted Evaluation of Arterial Function Through Transmural Pressure Manipulation. | Ann Biomed Eng. 2017 Feb 13. | Toshiyuki Yaguchi | 3.474 | |||
175 | 2017/2/23 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Increasing Risk of Osteoporotic Fracture Is Associated With Vascular Dysfunction and Abnormal Vascular Structure in Both Men and Women. | Circ J. 2017 Feb 23. | Masato Kajikawa | 3.025 | |||
176 | 2017/2/27 | 大阪大学 | 公衆衛生学教室 | Associations of central aortic pressure and brachial blood pressure with flow mediated dilatation in apparently healthy Japanese men: The Circulatory Risk in Communities Study (CIRCS). | Atherosclerosis. 2017 Feb 27;259:46-50. | Keyang Liu | 4.255 | |||
177 | 2017/3/16 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Decreased frequency and duration of tooth brushing is a risk factor for endothelial dysfunction | Int J Cardiol. 2017 Mar 16. | Shogo Matsui | 3.471 | |||
178 | 2017/3/17 | 東京女子医科大学 | 高血圧・内分泌内科 | The Relationships between the Differences in the Central Blood Pressure and Brachial Blood Pressure and Other Factors in Patients with Essential Hypertension | Intern Med. 2017;56(6):587-596. | Masaki Ryuzaki | 0.956 | |||
179 | 2017/3/23 | 大阪大谷大学 | 薬学部生化学講座 | Vasodilatory effect of nitroglycerin in Japanese subjects with different aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) genotypes | Chem Biol Interact. 2017 Mar 23. | Takeshi Miura | 3.407 | |||
180 | 2017/3/27 | 東京医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Measurement of Flow-Mediated Vasodilatation A Lesson From the FMDJ Study | Int Heart J. 2017 Mar 27. | Hirofumi Tomiyama | 2.226 | |||
181 | 2017/3/29 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Relation of the Bilateral Earlobe Crease to Endothelial Dysfunction. | Am J Cardiol. 2017 Mar 29. | Nozomu Oda | 2.843 | |||
182 | 2017/4/3 | 公立豊岡病院日高医療センター | リハビリテーション技術科 | 保健医療学雑誌8 (1): 23-29, 2017. | Makoto Igaki | - | ||||
183 | 2017/4/25 | 自治医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Short telomere length is associated with renal impairment in Japanese subjects with cardiovascular risk. | PLoS One. 2017 Apr 25;12(4):e0176138. | Kazuo Eguchi | 2.776 | |||
184 | 2017/4/27 | 鹿児島大学 | 糖尿病・内分泌内科 | The Combination Therapy of Fenofibrate and Ezetimibe Improved Lipid Profile and Vascular Function Compared with Statins in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2017 Apr 27. | Atsushi Shinnakasu | 3.478 | |||
185 | 2017/7/1 | オックスフォード大学 | ナフィールド外科学部 | Flow Mediated Dilatation as a Biomarker in Vascular Surgery Research. | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2017 Jul 1. | Kirthi Bellamkonda | 2.442 | |||
186 | 2017/7/6 | 東邦大学大森病院 | 糖尿病・代謝・内分泌セン | Effectiveness of dapagliflozin on vascular endothelial function and glycemic control in patients with early-stage type 2 diabetes mellitus: DEFENCE study. | Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2017 Jul 6;16(1):84. | Fumika Shigiyama | 3.217 | |||
187 | 2017/7/7 | 琉球大学 | 臨床薬理学 | Association Between Waist-to-Height Ratio and Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients With Morbidity ― A Report From the FMD-J Study ― | Circ J. 2017 Jul 7. | Akihiro Tokushige | 3.025 | |||
188 | 2017/8/14 | 広島大学(FMD-J) | 循環器内科 | Endothelial
Function Is Impaired in Patients Receiving Antihypertensive Drug Treatment
Regardless of Blood Pressure Level FMD-J Study (Flow-Mediated Dilation Japan) |
Hypertension. 2017 Aug 14. | Tatsuya Maruhashi | 7.017 | |||
189 | 2017/8/21 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Optimal Target Level of Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol for Vascular Function in Statin Na?ve Individuals | Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 21;7(1):8422. | Shogo Matsui | 4.011 | |||
190 | 2017/10/31 | 広島大学 | 耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科 | Effects of Cerebral Blood Flow and Vessel Conditions on Speech Recognition in Patients With Postlingual Adult Cochlear Implant: Predictable Factors for the Efficacy of Cochlear Implant | Ear Hear. 2017 Oct 31. | Takashi Ishino | 2.954 | |||
191 | 2017/11/1 | 広島大学 | 脳神経内科 | Alpha-2-macroglobulin as a Promising Biological Marker of Endothelial Function. | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2017 Nov 1. | Ryo Shimomura | 3.478 | |||
192 | 2017/11/3 | 藤沢湘南台病院 | 循環器内科 | Impact of flow-mediated dilatation and coronary calcification in providing complementary information on the severity of coronary artery disease | Atherosclerosis. 2017 Nov 3;267:146-152. | Kentaro Arakawa | 4.255 | |||
193 | 2017/11/7 | 上海体育学院 | キネシオロジー学部 | miR-214 and miR-126 were associated with restoration of endothelial function in obesity after exercise and dietary intervention | Journal
of Applied Biomedicine16(201 8)34?39 |
Shen Wang | 1.783 | |||
194 | 2017/11/12 | 東京医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Longitudinal association among endothelial function, arterial stiffness and subcli | Int J Cardiol. 2017 Nov 12. | Hirofumi Tomiyama | 3.471 | |||
195 | 2017/11/15 | 香川井下病院 | 循環器内科 | 高尿酸血症における血管内皮機能障害と 高ホモシステイン血症との関連性 | 心臓 48(11), 1256-1265, 2016 | 松村 憲太郎 | - | |||
196 | 2017/11/17 | 久留米大学医療センター | 循環器内科 | Oral Administration of Glucosamine Improves Vascular Endothelial Function by Modulating Intracellular Redox State. | Int Heart J. 2017 Nov 17. | Atsushi Katoh | 2.226 | |||
197 | 2017/11/28 | 徳島大学大学院 | 総合科学教育部 | レペティション形式の有酸素性運動が血管内皮機能に及ぼす影響 | Jpn J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 66(6): 437-444 (2017) | 田村 靖明 | - | |||
198 | 2017/12/14 | 鹿児島大学 | 糖尿病・内分泌内科 | mRNA expression of platelet activating factor receptor (PAFR) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells is associated with albuminuria and vascular dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes | Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2017 Dec 13. | Mihoko Kurano | 3.239 | |||
199 | 2017/12/29 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Interrelationships Among Flow-Mediated Vasodilation, Nitroglycerine-Induced Vasodilation, Baseline Brachial Artery Diameter, Hyperemic Shear Stress, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors | J Am Heart Assoc. 2017 Dec 29;7(1). | Tatsuya Maruhashi | 4.660 | |||
200 | 2018/1/12 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Coffee with a high content of chlorogenic acids and low content of hydroxyhydroquinone improves postprandial endothelial dysfunction in patients with borderline and stage 1 hypertension | Eur J Nutr. 2018 Jan 12. | Masato Kajikawa | 4.449 | |||
201 | 2018/1/19 | 福岡大学 | 循環器内科 | Associations between microalbuminuria and parameters of flow-mediated vasodilatation obtained by continuous measurement approaches. | Clin Exp Hypertens. 2018 Jan 19:1-6. | Rie Koyoshi | 1.522 | |||
202 | 2018/1/19 | 兵庫県立大学 | 環境人間学部 | Dietary intake of inorganic phosphorus has a stronger influence on vascular-endothelium function than organic phosphorus. | J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2018 Mar;62(2):167-173. | Hiromi Kawamura | 2.190 | |||
203 | 2018/1/28 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Chronic kidney disease is associated with vascular smooth muscle dysfunction but not with endothelial dysfunction | Int J Cardiol. 2018 Mar 1;254:284-290. | Yumiko Iwamoto | 3.471 | |||
204 | 2018/2/1 | 北九州市立八幡病院 | 循環器内科 | Heart failure with preserved vs reduced ejection fraction following cardiac rehabilitation: impact of endothelial function | Heart Vessels. 2018 Feb 1. | Seiya Tanaka | 1.620 | |||
205 | 2018/2/8 | 大阪大学 | 公衆衛生学教室 | Associations of Tobacco Smoking with Impaired Endothelial Function: The Circulatory Risk in Communities Study (CIRCS). | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2018 Feb 8. | Meishan Cui | 3.478 | |||
206 | 2018/3/9 | 岩手医科大学 | 内科学講座 心血管・腎・内分泌内科分野 | Relationship between Impairment of the Vascular Endothelial Function and the CHA2DS2-VASc Score in Patients with Sinus Rhythm and Non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation. | Intern Med. 2018 Mar 9. | Takashi Komatsu | 0.956 | |||
207 | 2018/3/19 | 東邦大学医療センター大橋病院 | 循環器内科 | Serial assessment of endothelial vasomotor function using optimal medical therapy predicts clinical outcomes in patients after complete coronary revascularization. | Anatol J Cardiol. 2018 Mar;19(3):177-183. | Masahide Tokue | 1.112 | |||
208 | 2018/3/19 | 佐賀大学 | 循環器内科 | Multiple potency of ezetimibe in a patient with macroproteinuric chronic kidney disease and statin-intolerant dyslipidemia | J Cardiol Cases. 2018 Mar 19;17(6):204-207. | Kosuke Sawami | - | |||
209 | 2018/3/21 | 自治医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Integrated flow-mediated vasodilation response predicts cardiovascular events in elderly patients with cardiovascular risk factors: the Japan Morning Surge-Home Blood Pressure study. | J Am Soc Hypertens. 2018 Mar 21. pii: S1933-1711(18)30074-3. | Tomoyuki Kabutoya | 2.268 | |||
210 | 2018/4/4 | 東京女子医科大学 | 高血圧・内分泌内科 | Greater reductions in plasma aldosterone with aliskiren in hypertensive patients with higher soluble (Pro)renin receptor level. | Hypertens Res. 2018 Jun;41(6):435-443. | Kanako Bokuda | 3.217 | |||
211 | 2018/4/9 | 藤井病院 | 腎臓内科 | Vitamin E supplementation improves highdensitiy lipoprotein and endothelial functions in end-stage kidney disease patients undergoing hemodialysis | Clin Nephrol. 2018 Apr 9. | Masatoshi Mune | 1.079 | |||
212 | 2018/5/23 | 日本大学 | 医学部病態病理学系臨床検査医学分野 | Increased nitroglycerin-mediated vasodilation in migraineurs without aura in the interictal period. | J Med Ultrason (2001). 2018 May 23. | Kazumi Fujioka | 0.966 | |||
213 | 2018/6/1 | 立命館大学 | スポーツ健康科学研究科 | High-intensity resistance exercise with low repetitions maintains endothelial function | Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2018 Jun 1. | Takuma Morishima | 4.048 | |||
214 | 2018/6/6 | 佐賀大学 | 循環器内科 | Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between serum uric acid and endothelial function in subjects with treated hypertension. | Int J Cardiol. 2018 Jun 6. | Atsushi Tanaka | 3.471 | |||
215 | 2018/6/15 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Endothelial dysfunction, abnormal vascular structure and lower urinary tract symptoms in men and women | Int J Cardiol. 2018 Jun 15;261:196-203. | Shogo Matsui | 3.471 | |||
216 | 2018/6/23 | 埼玉大学 | 理工学研究科 | Evaluation of the Hemodynamic Effects of AC Magnetic Field Exposure by Measurement of an FMD and a Microscope | AHFE 2018: Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices pp 68-79 | Tsukasa Kondo | - | |||
217 | 2018/6/30 | 大阪大学 | 内分泌・代謝内科学 | Association between Subclinical Atherosclerosis Markers and the Level of Accumulated Advanced Glycation End-Products in the Skin of Patients with Diabetes. | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2018 Jun 30. | Hiroyo Ninomiya | 3.478 | |||
218 | 2018/7/8 | 大阪市立大学 | 第二内科 | Plasma polyunsaturated fatty acid profile is associated with vascular endothelial function in patients with type 2 diabetes | Diab Vasc Dis Res. 2018 Jul;15(4):352-355. | Tomoaki Morioka | 2.707 | |||
219 | 2018/7/12 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Endothelial Dysfunction, Increased Arterial Stiffness, and Cardiovascular Risk Prediction in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease: FMD-J (Flow-Mediated Dilation Japan) Study A | J Am Heart Assoc. 2018 Jul 12;7(14). | Tatsuya Maruhashi | 4.660 | |||
220 | 2018/7/19 | 湘南鎌倉総合病院 | 脳卒中診療科 | Impaired Brachial Flow-Mediated Dilatation May Predict Symptomatic Intracranial Arterial Dissections. | J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2018 Jul 19. | Tomonori Iwata | 1.646 | |||
221 | 2018/8/14 | 獨協医科大学 | 心臓血管内科 | The comparison of endothelial function between conduit artery and microvasculature in patients with coronary artery disease. | Cardiol J. 2018 Aug 29. | Emi Tajima | 1.743 | |||
222 | 2018/8/24 | 日本体育大学 | 運動生理学研究室 | Acute effects of walking in water on vascular endothelial function and heart rate variability in healthy young men. | Clin Exp Hypertens. 2018 Aug 24:1-8. | Yuto Hashimoto | 1.522 | |||
223 | 2018/10/2 | 広西医科大学 | 疫学部 | Association of Impaired Vascular Endothelial Function with Increased Cardiovascular Risk in Asymptomatic Adults | Biomed Res Int. 2018 Oct 2;2018:3104945. | Qiuan Zhong | 2.583 | |||
224 | 2018/10/10 | 筑波大学 | 小児内科 | Endothelial Dysfunction of Conduit Arteries in Patients with Repaired Coarctation of the Aorta. | Int Heart J. 2018 Oct 10. | Yoshihiro Nozaki | 2.226 | |||
225 | 2018/10/31 | 金沢大学 | 内分泌代謝内科 | Mealtime dosing of a rapid-acting insulin analog reduces glucose variability and suppresses daytime cardiac sympathetic activity: a randomized controlled study in hospitalized patients with type 2 diabetes | BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2018 Oct 31;6(1):e000588. | Takehiro Kanamori | 5.067 | |||
226 | 2018/12/5 | 岩手県立中央病院 | 循環器内科 | Impact of decreased insulin resistance by ezetimibe on postprandial lipid profiles and endothelial functions in obese, non?diabetic?metabolic syndrome patients with coronary artery disease | Heart Vessels. 2018 Dec 5. | Akihiro Nakamura | 1.620 | |||
227 | 2019/1/11 | 大阪市立大学 | 第二内科 | Plasma omentin levels are associated with vascular endothelial function in patients with type 2 diabetes at elevated cardiovascular risk. | Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2019 Jan 11;148:160-168. | Mariko Hayashi | 3.239 | |||
228 | 2019/1/15 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Effect of short-term colchicine treatment on endothelial function in patients with coronary artery disease. | Int J Cardiol. 2019 Apr 15;281:35-39. | Masato Kajikawa | 3.471 | |||
229 | 2019/3 | 土浦協同病院 | 循環器内科 | Impact of Transradial Catheterization on Vascular Function of the Brachial Artery Assessed by Flow-Mediated Dilatation. | Acta Cardiol Sin. 2019 Mar;35(2):126-133. | Sadamitsu Ichijo | 1.676 | |||
230 | 2019/3/4 | 昭和大学(牧田総合病院) | 腎臓内科 | Effects of Denosumab and Alendronate on Bone Health and Vascular Function in Hemodialysis Patients: A Randomized, Controlled Trial | J Bone Miner Res. 2019 Jun;34(6):1014-1024. | Ken Iseri | 5.711 | |||
231 | 2019/3/5 | 岡山大学 | 循環器内科 | Brachial intima-media thickness is associated with coronary artery atherosclerosis in patients with diabetes mellitus. | Heart Vessels. 2019 Mar 5. | Tamaki Ono | 1.620 | |||
232 | 2019/3/7 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Relationship between home blood pressure and vascular function in patients receiving antihypertensive drug treatment. | Hypertens Res. 2019 Mar 7. | Tatsuya Maruhashi | 3.217 | |||
233 | 2019/3/25 | 花王 | 研究開発 | Chlorogenic acid-enriched green coffee bean extract affects arterial stiffness assessed by the cardio-ankle vascular index in healthy men: a pilot study | Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2019 Nov;70(7):901-908. | Atsushi Suzuki | 2.792 | |||
234 | 2019/3/29 | 九州大学病院 | 睡眠時無呼吸センター | Crossover comparison between CPAP and mandibular advancement device with adherence monitor about the effects on endothelial function, blood pressure and symptoms in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. | Heart Vessels. 2019 Mar 29. | Umpei Yamamoto | 1.620 | |||
235 | 2019/4/10 | 北里大学 | 医療系研究科 | Impaired Flow-Mediated Dilation and Severity and Vulnerability of Culprit Plaque in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. | Int Heart J. 2019 Apr 10. | Teruyoshi Nemoto | 1.826 | |||
236 | 2019/4/23 | 岩手県立中央病院 | 循環器内科 | Decline of popliteal artery flow?mediated dilation with aging and possible involvement of asymmetric dimethylarginine in healthy men | J Med Ultrason (2001). 2019 Apr 23. | Akihiro Nakamura | 0.966 | |||
237 | 2019/4/25 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Relationships Between Calcium Channel Blockers and Vascular Function Tests | Am J Hypertens. 2019 Apr 25. | Tatsuya Maruhashi | 2.530 | |||
238 | 2019/5/1 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Eplerenone
improves endothelial function and arterial stiffness and inhibits
Rho-associated kinase activity in patients with idiopathic
hyperaldosteronism: a pilot study |
J Hypertens. 2018 Nov 9. | Shinji Kishimoto | 4.209 | |||
239 | 2019/5/1 | 大阪大学 | 公衆衛生学教室 | Association between vitamin B group supplementation with changes in % flow-mediated dilatation and plasma homocysteine levels: a randomized controlled trial | J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2019 May;64(3):243-249. | Koutatsu Maruyama | 2.190 | |||
240 | 2019/5/10 | 東京慈恵会医科大学附属柏病院 | 血管外科 | 下肢静脈うっ滞と血管内皮機能についての検討(前向きパイロット研究) | J Jpn Coll Angiol 2019; 59: 29?32 | 伊藤 栄作 | - | |||
241 | 2019/5/15 | 兵庫医科大学 | 糖尿病・内分泌・代謝内科 | Xanthine oxidoreductase activity correlates with vascular endothelial dysfunction in patients with type 1 diabetes. | Acta Diabetol. 2019 May 15. | Kahori Washio | 2.996 | |||
242 | 2019/5/18 | 徳島大学大学院 | 総合科学教育部 | 持続的運動と比較して仕事量を減少させたレペティション運動が血管内皮機能に及ぼす影響 | Jpn J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 68(3): 199-206 (2019) | 田村 靖明 | - | |||
243 | 2019/6/5 | 日本大学 | 心臓血管外科 | Canagliflozin for Japanese patients with chronic heart failure and type II diabetes | Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2019 Jun 5;18(1):76. | Akira Sezai | 3.217 | |||
244 | 2019/6/20 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Association of extremely high levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol with endothelial dysfunction in men. | J Clin Lipidol. 2019 Jul - Aug;13(4):664-672.e1. | Yuji Takaeko | 3.581 | |||
245 | 2019/6/27 | テキサス大学 | Cardiovascular Aging Research Laboratory | Does 24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring act as ischemic preconditioning and influence endothelial function? | J Hum Hypertens. 2019 Nov;33(11):817-820. | Brandon G. Fico | 1.935 | |||
246 | 2019/6/30 | 筑波大学 | 体育系スポーツ医学 | Curcumin supplementation attenuates the decrease in endothelial function following eccentric exercise. | J Exerc Nutrition Biochem. 2019 Jun 30;23(2):7-12. | Youngju Choi | - | |||
247 | 2019/7/2 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Bilirubin and Endothelial Function. | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2019 Aug 1;26(8):688-696. | Tatsuya Maruhashi | 3.478 | |||
248 | 2019/7/3 | 西尾病院 | 循環器内科 | Effects of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitor on Vascular Endothelial and Diastolic Function in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction ― Novel Prospective Cohort Study ― | Circ Rep 2019; 1: 286 ? 295 | Takaaki Sakai | - | |||
249 | 2019/7/15 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Effect of Saxagliptin on Endothelial Function in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Prospective Multicenter Study. | Sci Rep. 2019 Jul 15;9(1):10206. | Masato Kajikawa | 4.011 | |||
250 | 2019/7/17 | 長久保病院 | 泌尿器科 | Flow Mediated Dilation(FMD)を用いた血管内皮機能と下部尿路症状の関連およびタダラフィル投与の有効性の検討 | 日本泌尿器科学会雑誌 111巻(2020)1号 | 志村 寛史 | - | |||
251 | 2019/7/20 | 東京大学 | 循環器内科 | Significant impact of left ventricular assist device models on the value of flow-mediated dilation: effects of LVAD on endothelial function. | Heart Vessels. 2019 Jul 20. | Aya Watanabe | 1.620 | |||
252 | 2019/7/30 | 国立循環器病研究センター | 糖尿病・脂質代謝内科 | Effect of tofogliflozin on cardiac and vascular endothelial function in patients with type 2 diabetes and heart diseases: A pilot study | J Diabetes Investig. 2019 Jul 30. | Mayu Tochiya | 3.902 | |||
253 | 2019/8/12 | 北海道大学大学院 | 循環器内科 | Heterogeneity in the vasodilatory function of individual extremities. | Vascular. 2019 Aug 12:1708538119868411. | Tomoyasu Kadoguchi | 1.176 | |||
254 | 2019/8/30 | 福岡大学 | スポーツ科学部 | Effects of Taurine Supplementation on Vascular Endothelial Function at Rest and After Resistance Exercise. | Adv Exp Med Biol. 2019;1155:407-414. | Song-Gyu Ra | 2.126 | |||
255 | 2019/9/18 | テキサス大学 | Cardiovascular Aging Research Laboratory | Vascular effects of a single bout of electronic cigarette use | Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2020 Jan;47(1):3-6. | Ramon Cossio | 2.336 | |||
256 | 2019/9/26 | Pfizer | The effects of topiroxostat on vascular function in patients with hyperuricemia. | J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2019 Sep 26. | Shingo Higa | 2.444 | ||||
257 | 2019/10/1 | 秋田大学 | 循環器内科 | Manifestation of coronary subclavian steal phenomenon using reactive hyperemia in the ipsilateral forearm. | Echocardiography. 2019 Oct 1. | Takako Iino | 0.540 | |||
258 | 2019/10/8 | 姫路循環器病センター | 循環器内科 | Empagliflozin's Ameliorating Effect on Plasma Triglycerides: Association with Endothelial Function Recovery in Diabetic Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2019 Oct 18. | Takahiro Sawada | 3.478 | |||
259 | 2019/10/24 | UCLAメディカルセンター | Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation at Harbor | A combined effect of Cavacurcumin, Eicosapentaenoic acid (Omega-3s), Astaxanthin and Gamma -linoleic acid (Omega-6) (CEAG) in healthy volunteers- a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. | Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2020 Feb;35:174-179. | Divya Birudaraju | - | |||
260 | 2019/11/6 | 東京女子医科大学 | 脳神経内科 | Impaired Endothelial Function in Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source | J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2020 Jan;29(1):104489. | Yuka Shirai | 1.646 | |||
261 | 2019/11/20 | 東京医科歯科大学 | 周産・女性診療科 | Effects of Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract on Vascular Endothelial Function in Participants with Prehypertension: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. | Nutrients. 2019 Nov 20;11(12). | Tamami Odai | 4.171 | |||
262 | 2019/11/25 | 弘前大学 | 保健学科 | Effects of Blackcurrant Anthocyanin on Endothelial Function and Peripheral Temperature in Young Smokers. | Molecules. 2019 Nov 25;24(23). | Toshiko Tomisawa | 3.060 | |||
263 | 2019/12/15 | 広島大学病院 | 循環器内科 | 血管内皮機能検査Flow-mediated Vasodilation(FMD)の基準値についての検討 | 日本臨床生理学会雑誌 49(3), 137-142, 2019 | 丸橋 達也 | - | |||
264 | 2019/12/24 | 自治医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Class effect of xanthine oxidase inhibitors on flow-mediated dilatation in hypertensive patients: A randomized controlled trial. | J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2019 Dec 24. | Satoshi Hoshide | 2.444 | |||
265 | 2019/12/28 | 徳島大学大学院 | 総合科学教育部 | 一過性の上肢の有酸素性運動および骨格筋電気刺激の併用が血管内皮機能に | 理学療法学 47(1), 27-34, 2020 | 石川 みづき | - | |||
266 | 2020/1/8 | 広島大学(FMD-J) | 循環器内科 | Diagnostic Criteria of Flow-Mediated Vasodilation for Normal Endothelial Function and Nitroglycerin-Induced Vasodilation for Normal Vascular Smooth Muscle Function of the Brachial Artery. | J Am Heart Assoc. 2020 Jan 21;9(2):e013915. | Tatsuya Maruhashi | 4.660 | |||
267 | 2020/1/25 | 大阪大学大学院 | 内分泌・代謝内科 | Identification of Plasma Inositol and Indoxyl Sulfate as Novel Biomarker Candidates for Atherosclerosis in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. -Findings from Metabolome Analysis Using GC/MS. | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2020 Jan 25. | Kazuo Omori | 3.478 | |||
268 | 2020/1/31 | 熊本機能病院 | 循環器内科 | East Asians Variant Mitochondrial Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 Genotype Exacerbates Nitrate Tolerance in Patients With Coronary Spastic Angina. | Circ J. 2020 Jan 31. | Yuji Mizuno | 3.025 | |||
269 | 2020/2/4 | 県立広島大学 | 人間文化学部健康科学科 運動生理学研究室 |
運動と食事が動脈血管内皮機能に及ぼす交互作用の解明 | 上原記念生命科学財団研究報告集, 33 (2019) | 福場 良之 | - | |||
270 | 2020/2/21 | 九州大学病院 | 睡眠時無呼吸センター | Accumulated nocturnal hypoxemia predict arterial endothelial function in patients with sleep-disordered breathing with or without chronic heart failure. | Heart Vessels. 2020 Jan 21. | Hiroyuki Sawatari | 1.620 | |||
271 | 2020/2/5 | 久留米大学医療センター | 循環器内科 | Increased arterial velocity pulse index is an independent factor related to skeletal muscle mass reduction and tissue damage in patients with cardiovascular disease. | Hypertens Res. 2020 Feb 5. | Haruhito Harada | 3.217 | |||
272 | 2020/2/13 | 獨協医科大学 | 心臓・血管内科 | Relationship between brachial flow-mediated dilation and carotid intima-media thickness in patients with coronary artery disease. | Int Angiol. 2020 Feb 13. | Shigeru Toyoda | 1.279 | |||
273 | 2020/3/10 | 徳島大学大学院 | 総合科学教育部 | ビタミンCの摂取が一過性の加熱式タバコ喫煙後の動脈機能および酸化ストレスマーカーに及ぼす影響 | Jpn J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 69(2): 229-235 (2020) | 東 亜弥子 | - | |||
274 | 2020/3/21 | 帝京大学 | 臨床研究センター | Discrepancy Between Fasting Flow-Mediated Dilation and Parameter of Lipids in Blood: A Randomized Exploratory Study of the Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters on Vascular Endothelial Function in Patients With Hyperlipidemia. | Adv Ther. 2020 Mar 21. | Tamio Teramoto | 3.260 | |||
275 | 2020/4/1 | 静岡県立総合病院 | 薬学部分子病態学分野 | Kosen-cha, a Polymerized Catechin-Rich Green Tea, as a Potential Functional Beverage for the Reduction of Body Weight and Cardiovascular Risk Factors: A Pilot Study in Obese Patients | Biol Pharm Bull. 2020;43(4):675-681. | Yasufumi Katanasaka | 1.540 | |||
276 | 2020/4/2 | 東北大学 | 循環器内科 | Marked Impairment of Endothelium-Dependent Digital Vasodilatations in Patients With Microvascular Angina | Arterioscler
Thromb Vasc Biol . 2020 May;40(5):1400-1412. |
Shoko Ohura-Kajitani | 6.604 | |||
277 | 2020/4/8 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Vascular function is further impaired in subjects aged 80 years or older. | Hypertens Res. 2020 Apr 8. | Tatsuya Maruhashi | 3.217 | |||
278 | 2020/4/9 | 建国大学校 | Department of Physical Education | Effects of an Acute Pilates Program under Hypoxic Conditions on Vascular Endothelial Function in Pilates Participants: A Randomized Crossover Trial. | Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Apr 9;17(7). | Kyounghwa Jung | 2.468 | |||
279 | 2020/4/15 | グラスゴー大学 | Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences | Validation of semi-automated flow-mediated dilation measurement in healthy volunteers. | Blood Press Monit. 2020 Apr 15. | Laurence J. Dobbie | 1.008 | |||
280 | 2020/4/22 | カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校(UCLA) | Los Angeles Biomed Research Institute at Harbor | Association of flow mediated vasodilation and burden of subclinical atherosclerosis by coronary CTA | Atherosclerosis. 2020 Jun;302:15-19. | Suvasini Lakshmanan | 4.255 | |||
281 | 2020/5/13 | 徳島県鳴門病院 | リハビリテーション部 | 透析患者に対する透析中のベルト電極式骨格筋電気刺激が血管内皮機能に及ぼす影響 | Japanese journal of electrophysical agents 27, 78-81, 2020 | 森 和之 | - | |||
282 | 2020/5/14 | 日本医大多摩永山病院 | 脳神経外科 | Relationship Between Flow-mediated Endothelial Vasodilation and the Pulse Wave Velocity, and Cervical Carotid Artery Stenosis | Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 2020 May 14. | Kazutaka Shirokane | 1.651 | |||
283 | 2020/5/29 | テキサス大学 | Cardiovascular Aging Research Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education | Walking With Leg Blood Flow Restriction: Wide-Rigid Cuffs vs. Narrow-Elastic Bands | Front Physiol. 2020 May 29;11:568. | Sten Stray-Gundersen | 2.129 | |||
284 | 2020/6/3 | テキサス大学 | Kinesiology and Health Education | Hemodynamic and Pressor Responses to Combination of Yoga and Blood Flow Restriction | Int J Sports Med. 2020 Jun 3. | Savannah V Wooten | 2.132 | |||
285 | 2020/6/23 | 鹿児島大学(天陽会 中央病院) | 農林水産学研究科 | Characteristic Analysis of Trigonelline Contained in Raphanus sativus Cv. Sakurajima Daikon and Results from the First Trial Examining Its Vasodilator Properties in Humans | Nutrients. 2020 Jun 23;12(6):1872 | Maho Sasaki | 4.171 | |||
286 | 2020/6/27 | 広島修道大学 | 健康科学部 | Effects of Unilateral Arm Warming or Cooling on the Modulation of Brachial Artery Shear Stress and Endothelial Function During Leg Exercise in Humans | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2020 Jun 27. | Kohei Miura | 3.478 | |||
287 | 2020/7/6 | 藍野大学 | 医療保健学部 | Seasonal
variations on endothelium-dependent flow-mediated vasodilation in adults with type 2 diabetes and nondiabetic adults with hypertension and/or dyslipidaemia who perform regular exercise |
Endocrinol Diabetes Metab. 2020 Jul 6;4(1):e00168. | Hiroto Honda | 4.731 | |||
288 | 2020/7/7 | 広島大学(FMD-J) | 原爆放射線医科学研究所 | Relationship between high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and endothelial function in women: a cross-sectional study | BMJ Open. 2020 Jul 7;10(7):e038121. | Yuji Takaeko | 2.376 | |||
289 | 2020/7/10 | 広島大学 | 原爆放射線医科学研究所 | Hematocrit, hemoglobin and red blood cells are associated with vascular function and vascular structure in men | Sci Rep. 2020 Jul 10;10(1):11467. | Shinji Kishimoto | 4.011 | |||
290 | 2020/7/21 | 大阪市立大学 | 循環器内科 | Predictors of the effects of smoking cessation on the endothelial function of conduit and digital vessels | Hypertens Res. 2020 Jul 21. | Kazuo Fukumoto | 3.217 | |||
291 | 2020/7/25 | 大阪市立大学 | 第二内科 | Albuminuria rather than glomerular filtration rate is associated with vascular endothelial function in patients with type 2 diabetes | J Diabetes Complications. 2020 Jul 31;107702. | Yoshinori Kakutani | 2.740 | |||
292 | 2020/7/29 | 大阪市立大学 | 循環器内科 | Predictors of endothelial function improvement in patients with mild hypertriglyceridemia without evidence of coronary artery disease treated with purified eicosapentaenoic acid | Atherosclerosis.2020 Sep;309:27-32 | Kazuo Fukumoto | 4.255 | |||
293 | 2020/8/5 | 広島大学 | 放射線医学総合研究所 | Endothelial Function and Oxidative Stress in X-Linked, gp91phox Deficiency, Chronic Granulomatous Disease | JACC Case Rep . 2020 Aug 5;2(10):1480-1483. |
Yukihito Higashi | 24.094 | |||
294 | 2020/8/20 | 広島大学 | 原爆放射線医科学研究所 | A Comparison of Adrenalectomy and Eplerenone on Vascular Function in Patients with Aldosterone-producing Adenoma | J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Nov 1;105(11):dgaa561. | Shinji Kishimoto | 5.399 | |||
295 | 2020/9/2 | 大阪大学 | 公衆衛生学教室 | Relationship between Endothelial Dysfunction and Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease: The Circulatory Risk in Communities Study (CIRCS) | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2020 Sep 2. | Yuting Li | 3.478 | |||
296 | 2020/9/4 | 広島大学(FMD-J) | 原爆放射線医科学研究所 | Pre-impaired fasting glucose state is a risk factor for endothelial dysfunction: Flow-mediated Dilation Japan (FMD-J) study | BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2020 Oct;8(1):e001610. | Takayuki Yamaji | 3.183 | |||
297 | 2020/10/20 | Jiangmen Central Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University | Department of Cardiovascular Disease | Circulating senescent angiogenicTcells are linked with endothelial dysfunction and systemic inflammation in hypertension | J Hypertens. 2021 May 1;39(5):970-978. | Gaoxing Zhang | 4.171 | |||
298 | 2020/10/23 | 広島大学 | 原爆放射線医科学研究所 | Volume Elastic Modulus, Vascular Function, and Vascular Structure in Patients with Cardiovascular Risk Factors | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2020 Oct 23. | Tatsuya Maruhashi | 3.876 | |||
299 | 2020/10/28 | 獨協医科大学 | 循環器内科 | Effects of switching from clopidogrel to prasugrel at the chronic phase after coronary stenting on antiplatelet action and vascular endothelial function: Switch-Pras study | Heart Vessels. 2020 Oct 28. | Taiki Masuyama | 1.618 | |||
300 | 2020/10/28 | 医療法人ほうゆう おおた内科消化器科クリニック |
大量自家血液オゾン療法の有効性−末梢循環,酸化ストレス,炎症反応,血管内 | 国際抗老化再生医療学会雑誌 第 3 巻(31?39)2020 | 大田 和弘 | - | ||||
301 | 2020/11/15 | 自治医科大学さいたま病院 | 心臓血管外科 | Relationship between endothelial function and vascular stiffness on lower limit of cerebral autoregulation in patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery | Artif Organs. 2020 Nov 15. | Daijiro Hori | 2.259 | |||
302 | 2020/11/23 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Promising Assessment of Vascular Function for Future Cardiovascular Events | J Atheroscler Thromb. 2021 | Masato Kajikawa | 3.876 | |||
303 | 2020/11/24 | 広島大学 | 原爆放射線医科学研究所 | Low Levels of Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Endothelial Function in Subjects without Lipid-Lowering Therapy | J Clin Med. 2020 Nov 24;9(12):3796. | Yuji Takaeko | 3.303 | |||
304 | 2020/12/3 | 広島大学(FMD-J) | 原爆放射線医科学研究所 | Endothelial function is preserved in light to moderate alcohol drinkers but is imp | PLoS One. 2020 Dec 3;15(12):e0243216. | Nozomu Oda | 2.740 | |||
305 | 2021/1/8 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Smoking status and endothelial function in Japanese men | Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 8;11(1):95. | Haruki Hashimoto | 3.998 | |||
306 | 2021/1/19 | University of Basel | Division Sports and Exercise Medicine | Endothelial function of healthy adults from 20 to 91 years of age: prediction of cardiovascular risk by vasoactive range | J Hypertens. 2021 Jan 19. | Karsten K?nigstein | 4.171 | |||
307 | 2021/1/23 | 関西医科大学 | 理学療法学科 | Improvements in exercise tolerance with an exercise intensity above the anaerobic threshold in patients with acute myocardial infarction | Heart Vessels. 2021 Jan 23. | Satoshi Tagashira | 1.618 | |||
308 | 2021/2/4 | 東北大学大学院医学系研究科 | 機能医科学講座 内部障害学分野 | The area under curve for time-course analysis parameters is associated with abdominal aortic aneurysms and the severity of peripheral artery disease in men | Int J Cardiol Hypertens. 2021 Feb 4;8:100080. | Nao Konno | 3.229 | |||
309 | 2021/2/12 | The Eighth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University | Department of Cardiology | External Counterpulsation Attenuates Hypertensive Vascular Injury Through Enhancing the Function of Endothelial Progenitor Cells | Front Physiol. 2021 Feb 12;11:590585. | Jianwen Liang | 3.367 | |||
310 | 2021/5/26 | 千葉大学大学院 | 和漢診療学講座 | Role of Blood Stasis Syndrome of Kampo Medicine in the Early Pathogenic Stage of Atherosclerosis: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study | Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2021 May 26;2021:5557392. | Akira Morita | 1.813 | |||
311 | 2021/6/3 | Beijing University | Chinese Medicine | Predictive Value of Limb Artery Indices and Endothelial Functional Tests for the Degree of Coronary Artery Stenosis in a Diabetic Population | Int J Gen Med. 2021 Jun 3;14:2343-2349. | Zihan Wang | 2.45 | |||
312 | 2021/6/8 | 東京女子医科大学 | 高血圧・内分泌内科 | Clinical impacts of endothelium-dependent flow-mediated vasodilation assessment on primary aldosteronism | Endocr Connect. 2021 Jun 8;10(6):578-587. | Daisuke Watanabe | 3.335 | |||
313 | 2021/6/9 | 広島大学(FMD-J) | 循環器内科 | Inconvenient relationship of haemoglobin A1c level with endothelial function in type 2 diabetes in a cross-sectional study | BMJ Open. 2021 Jun 9;11(6):e045415. | Takayuki Yamaji | 2.692 | |||
314 | 2021/7/16 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Stair climbing activity and vascular function in patients with hypertension | Hypertens Res. 2021 Jul 16. | Takayuki Yamaji | 2.941 | |||
315 | 2021/7/19 | Shenzhen Peking University | Xinkeshu Improves Endothelial Function and Augments Reendothelialization Capacity in Coronary Artery Disease with Anxiety/Depression | Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2021 Jul 18;2021:5561272. | Jiapan Sun | 6.543 | ||||
316 | 2021/8/5 | 埼玉大学大学院 | 理工学研究科 | A 50 Hz magnetic field affects hemodynamics, ECG and vascular endothelial function in healthy adults: A pilot randomized controlled trial | PLoS One. 2021 Aug 5;16(8):e0255242. | Hideyuki Okano | 3.24 | |||
317 | 2021/8/31 | 千葉健生病院 まくはり診療所 |
慢性疾患対策研究所 | Prediction of cerebrovascular/cardiovascular disease secondary to metabolic syndrome: Ultrasonographic measures of vasodilator response | Vasc Fail 2021; 4: 54-60 | Hiroki Tsuchida | ||||
318 | 2021/9/9 | 広島大学(FMD-J) | 原爆放射線医科学研究所 | A body shape index is associated with endothelial dysfunction in both men and women | Sci Rep. 2021 Sep 9;11(1):17873. | Masato Kajikawa | 4.379 | |||
319 | 2021/9/23 | 鶴見大学 | 歯学部探索歯学講座 | Effect of advanced periodontal self-care in patients with early-stage periodontal disease on endothelial function: An open-label, randomized controlled trial | PLoS One. 2021 Sep 23;16(9):e0257247. | Ayako Okada | 3.24 | |||
320 | 2021/9/24 | 富山大学 | 第二内科 | Improvement in Vascular Endothelial Function following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation | Medicina (Kaunas). 2021 Sep 24;57(10):1008. | Shuhei Tanaka | 2.397 | |||
321 | 2021/11/1 | 広島大学 | 循環器内科 | Relationship between Hemoglobin A1c Level and Flow-mediated Vasodilation in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Receiving Antidiabetic Drugs | J Diabetes Investig. 2021 Nov 1. | Takayuki Yamaji | 4.232 |